Maybe. Three at the Gann this afternoon. If number 1 was joined by 2 & 3 where`s number 4? If numbers 2,3 & 4 flew in what`s happened to number 1? "He" wasn`t at the airfield as I went to have look so there`s one gone awol. Did they come to a "fork in the road" as it were where three of them felt comfortable & the other one felt the need to keep going or has something catastrophic happened? One hopes not, time will tell - perhaps.
Also at the Gann, 13 Turnstones, 12 Brent, 25 Wigeon. Had a chat with Jon Hudson who told me about the Black Redstart which I went see at St Brides - thanks Jon.
Earlier in the day in a field close to St Ishmaels were at least 103 Lapwing with some 75 Golden Plover.