Monday 26 November 2018

The Gann this morning

We went down to try and find the Hooded Crow, without success. However, at half tide there were an awful lot of of other birds there, with high numbers of all the usual species such as 100 Teal, 17 Brent Geese, 15 Little Grebes, 3 Greenshank, 15 Redshank plus plenty of Oystercatchers, Curlew (80 or so), 60 Flyover Snipe, a few Ringed Plovers, a bunch of Wigeon, a Great Crested Grebe etc. A Pintail flew over towards Angle from the direction of Marloes Mere - was it THE Pintail I wonder?
There were "swan wars" taking place on the pools. The two adults with two juveniles which are often around were being challenged by two very smart adults who were trying to see them off the pitch (as in "This pool's not big enough for both of us".)