Verge of spring, but more evidenced by seabirds than migrants, so far.
Auks are back, with big rafts of Razorbills off Midland, clearly visible from the Deer Park.
Good numbers of Kittiwakes, too, dip-feeding in the southward-flowing current from Jack Sound, along with Lesser Black-backed Gulls. And the bonus was two Red-throated Divers, coming into summer plumage.
On Wooltack Point a flock of 8 Turnstone was a lovely surprise, and a ringtail Hen Harrier over Martin’s Haven.
Marloes Mere was frustrating! A flock of medium-sized waders appeared to drop in at the Runwayskiln end, but I could not then relocate them. And a tantalising glimpse of what seemed to be a hirundine, but quickly lost in the murk. More Sand Martin than Swallow, but just too far away.