Thursday, 28 March 2019

Castlemartin Corse, Gupton

Round-up of the last week: last Thursday saw the most recent sighting of female marsh harrier. Uneventful WEBS on Saturday, but Monday saw a sparrowhawk hunting round Gupton Farm and a red kite sailed over the Corse while I watched two displaying pairs of ravens. Also 2 chough. A flock of 30 golden plover stuck around for 3 days this week. At least 3 Cetti's singing in various parts of the Corse, several water rail calling. Today, I watched a ringtail hen harrier for an hour as it quartered the reedbed, Kilpaison Burrows and the Starman's Hall area.

It even settled in the grass for a while, with just its head showing - not quite up to Jean Dovey standards but this was unusual so I thought worth posting! Also a different sparrowhawk, near the hide, and a flock of 8 chough near Starman's Hall. Lots of resident passerines in song and displaying, but no migrants.