Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Adder sightings

Adder sightings are occasionally reported on this blog, and we as birdwatchers are well placed to observe and report them. There is  a lot of effort and interest in adders at present – their population seems to be declining and the reasons are not really known. ARG (Amphibian and Reptile Group), under the auspices of Sam Langdon are carrying out surveys to try and find hibernation sites (hibernacula), as it is vital that these are protected. To help with this, if you see or have seen any adders, especially more than one together, during the usual hibernation period (October to the end of April) please email Sam on sam.langdon@arguk.org with full details. Historical records of sightings between these months are also very important.
All casual adder sightings throughout the year are also valuable – please record these on WWBIC or use the LERC app which can be downloaded here https://www.lercwales.org.uk/app.php. Also it would be good to carry on mentioning them on this blog. 
(I realise this post is slightly off topic but I have had clearance from the authorities!)