Monday, 29 April 2019

Castlemartin Corse

An excellent morning. 10 greylags were in the wet dune slack behind the car park at Freshwater West - these later flew inland to join the two who have been hanging out upstream.

A "new" marsh harrier was flying around, not one of the (up to) three well-marked females which have been here during the winter. Viewed from across the Corse this was an all-dark bird apart from creamy head and may have been a first year male. 9 mallard, 2 grey herons, still a few snipe, 2 chough at Starman's Hall. Lots of reed and sedge warblers and whitethroats (only one grasshopper warbler so far), a few sand martins...and at Starman's Hall a brilliant yellow wagtail popped up, perched briefly on the fence near me and then bounced away over the buildings.