Saturday, 20 April 2019

WTSWW Llangloffan Fen, morning walk

Firstly well done Wildlife Trust for repairing the boardwalk and habitat management, scrub clearance etc. It would be nice if NWR could do the same on their reserve!
It was one of those Spring Mornings when it was good to be alive and all the birds were singing! Not all were showing  particularly well and a gropper (Grasshopper Warbler) was skulking and throwing its voice making it hard to locate. I eventually got a couple of record shots. Willow warblers seemed to be everywhere at least half a dozen singing but again not a particularly brilliant shot.. A pair of Reed Buntings were much more accommodating  but Sedge Warbler and Whitethroat only showed odd glimpses and a pair of Blackcap's were hiding deep inside some blackthorn blossoms!