Wednesday 17 July 2019

Oystercatchers & Curlew

Great news Lisa about the resighting of colour ringed Oystercatcher 78 as a possible breeder on Grassholm. Also thank you Brian for all the other resightings. A couple of details, Oystercatcher A2 was ringed at the Gann 14/03/2016, however was resighted to almost the day last season 15/07/2018 spending the summer in Lancashire.
Curlew 06 was ringed at the Gann 03/10/2015 and has been resighted several times. Dave A has also provided us with a constant supply of resighting records including a Redshank which at the best of times is challenging to read a code on a colour ring at a distance.

Thank you all for your continued support.
Pemb's Ringing Group