Several of us (Jane Hodges, ourselves, folk on the islands and others) have been out over the last week of so trying to pin down where flocks of choughs are assembling at late summer communal roosts. After a good breeding season, it seems that numbers of surviving young are also probably good but dispersing juveniles are highly mobile at this time of year and they can move around quite a lot.
We've had some good successes e.g. 14 at Penally (a few nights ago), 32 at Castlemartin Range this evening (there were 41 birds feeding at Linney Head a week ago), 15+ on the Angle peninsula last night. Some good numbers have been recorded on Ramsey recently including 37 roosting there last night, and Steve Jones posted a sighting of c.32 at Pwll Deri cliffs yesterday evening too which was a good to know.
If anyone spots any double-figure flocks (especially along the mid and north Pembs coast) we'd be pleased to hear about them as it might help to pin-point some other likely roosting areas that could be checked. Postings on the Blog would be great but we can also probably pick-up some sightings posted on Twitter.