A Green Sandpiper (a Crabhall tick!) on the lagoon yesterday evening & again this morning. On the high tide this morning, a juvenile Mediterranean Gull on the saltmarsh in amongst roosting Black-headed & Herring Gulls. At least 11 Redshank roosting this morning and the best Greenshank count recently has been 3. Also a single and then 2 Black-tailed Godwits in recent days, and up to 6 Dunlin (all lagoon sightings).
After a decent period of lovely muddy margins on the lagoon during the last cycle of neap tides, the spring tides have now flooded the lagoon again (anything 6.9m or above comes over the stepping stones) and it will be some time before the muddy margins start to reappear as the stepping stones act like a dam and the water drains out very slowly. I'm interested to try and understand whether the stepping stones, as they are currently arranged, are a net help or hindrance to the ecological value of this man made ecological treasure.