Friday, 9 August 2019

More on Carew Med Gull(s)

A quick look at BirdTrack shows the autumn sightings going back annually to 9 September 2011, but two were sighted on 29 August 2012, so it may not always be the same individual. I saw one/it on 29 July 2016, which seems to be the earliest, and the latest showing on BirdTrack is 28 November 2013.

The Ceredigion blog frequently reports on sightings of colour-ringed Meds and their travels, some being regular visitors. Many are Dutch or Belgian in origin.

Colonies of Meds in Hampshire have grown rapidly recently. In July I visited RSPB Lodmoore in Dorset where there was a breeding colony of 60+ individuals, so they are getting closer and it will probably not be long before they attempt breeding in Pembrokeshire.