Lots of birds on Dale Airfield this evening. 19 Ringed Plover & a single Dunlin were the wader highlights. A smart juvenile Whinchat fed from the fenceline on the eastern side, and in the same area at least 9 Wheatear, 60+ Meadow Pipits, 30+ Skylarks, and 20 alba wagtails of which at least 12 were migrant White Wagtails.
At the Gann as the tide came in 2 Bar-tailed Godwits, 21 Dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover & 6 Little Egrets. At least 20 Curlew included colour-ringed birds 06 & 08. On the lagoon 2 Knot still, along with a newly arrived juvenile Black-tailed Godwit.