Friday 25 October 2019

A new Dowrog Raptor.

Or at least new for me, and seen last night! a female/juvenile Marsh Harrier which along with Kestrel, Merlin, Hobby and Peregrine, Sparrowhawk and Goshawk, Buzzard, Red Kite and Hen Harrier and both Barn and Short Eared Owl brings up the total to twelve species that i have been lucky enough to record over the past twenty years or so on infrequent visits to the site!
Fran and I had already clocked two ring-tail Hen Harriers by the cattle grid as we came in from the north. I parked up by the southern cattle grid before walking back to the track which gives a better view. Darkness was falling as a heavy looking dark harrier approached from the east in the fading light but the pale head was noticeable and I was pretty sure of its ID as it came towards us before putting down in among the Blackthorn scrub.  Thankfully Jack, another birder, had it in his scope and was able to confirm my tentative identification. Soon after the rain began to fall, so ending a pleasant hours birding!