Wednesday 23 October 2019

Dale Peninsula

Lisa found a 1st winter Turtle Dove at Dale Fort early afternoon, presumably the bird seen 6 days ago not far away at Merryborough.  Otherwise pretty quiet around the village, Castlebeach Bay etc.

On the airfield the highlight was a Jack Snipe, typically flushed at close range (I have yet to see one on the ground in Pembrokeshire!).  Also here a single Golden Plover, a Ringed Plover (heard only), a Wheatear, and probably 200+ Skylarks with perhaps 50+ Meadow Pipits scattered amongst them.

Early this morning the honking of geese had us running into the garden, to see a flock of 70 grey geese heading south over the Gann - they appeared to have a silvery wash to the upperwings (so either Greylag or Pink-footed) and the few photos I managed to snap away seemed to show pale underwing coverts, so presumably they were Greylag Geese?  Although they didn't really sound like Greylags...

(Dave & Lisa)