Saturday 26 October 2019


After a cracking win for England in the rugby, I stepped outside to head up the airfield and the first bird I saw on the lagoon before getting in the car was a Cattle Egret.  Quite possibly/probably the same bird seen here 12 days ago.  It quickly flew up towards the saltmarsh with 2 Little Egrets.  I managed 1 photo....

You can make out the black feet - and that's about it!
Up onto the airfield and after greeting Andy we went our separate ways, only for me to find 4 Dunlin and him to find 4 Snow Buntings - and what crackers they were!  Really enjoyed being in their company, watching them feed on grass seed and calling from time to time.  Thanks Andy!

Late afternoon at the Gann, over the high tide, a small party of 6 Brent Geese, and a nice selection of waders including 6 Greenshank, 21 Redshank, 6 Ringed Plover, 7 Turnstone, 4 Dunlin & 1 Sanderling.  Lots of small gulls about, including at least 44 Mediterranean Gulls (42 adults, 1 2CY, 1 1CY).