Wednesday 30 October 2019

Slebech starlings and Angle Bay yesterday

The Slebech starling roost is clearly building up in numbers again. Thousands were flying in from the east near Canaston, and low over the A40 from the north near Slebech church at dusk this evening. We were in a moving vehicle so couldn't be sure if they're roosting in the Miscanthus or in the reedbed (possibly some in both locations?). Pied wagtails are also back roosting at Withybush hospital but we haven't yet managed to do a proper count. It was too late this evening. 

Yesterday afternoon, a walk along the footpath at Angle bay produced 7 light-breasted brent geese feeding along the shore at the Rhoscrowther end, alongside a couple of hundred wigeon. Waders included c.150 curlew, 100 oycs, 6 bar-tailed godwits and a nice flock of at least 52 turnstones feeding amongst the seaweed. Earlier,  c.250 lapwings were resting in fields at Gupton/Castlemartin Corse. A couple of kestrels were hunting in the valley and a few more were noted hunting over the Castlemartin Range recently.