As Greg already mentioned we were lucky enough to see Male and female Hen Harrier along with a hovering Kestrel. Little squadrons of mippits came in to roost
What was really interesting was the male Hen Harrier floating along the scrub when suddenly it got into an altercation with a female/juv' Merlin. I am guessing the Merlin was eating some prey on the ground when the Harrier surprised it. There ensued some fireworks from the Merlin speeding around the moor strafing the harrier, hard to see in the half light but incredibly exciting watching the little Falcon's max speed low level maneuvers. It gave up after a while and came to a bare tree where it sat for a minute catching its breath. Apologies for the fuzzy pic's but it was almost dark and pretty distant!
After a minute or so, I saw it take of, accelerating up after an incoming mippit which narrowly avoided the Merlin's clutches. After which, the Merlin made a couple of repeated attempts, when out of nowhere another Merlin shot in to the fray. I am not sure if it was successful, as it all happened so quickly in the fading light with both birds disappearing into the background.
I have always been a bit of a raptor fan but having such amazing experiences such as i only dreamed of in my youth in the arable deserts of the vale of York. Here on my doorstep and now in my old age, it still thrills me!