Sunday 3 November 2019

Snow buntings, Black redstart, Firecrest and Hen harrier

What a difference a day makes. Stunning morning after yesterday's deluge. The 4 Snow bunting were feeding along the back of the runway, SM7905806458. 100s of Skylark passing over and on the ground. Female Kestrel being mobbed by pipits. Chiffchaff and Blackcap on track up. With quite a few thrushes and Blackbirds feeding in the ivy. c20 Chaffinch in the woods and a flock of 15+ Long-tailed tits seemed never ending. Black redstart on the roof of the yellow house close to the church in Dale village. A thorough look around the woods at St Brides eventually turned up a vocal and showy Firecrest, it was in the woods near the lower overgrown pond behind the pump house. Another Chiffchaff here. 20 Lapwing by Talbenny crossroads. Bonus bird of the day was a male Hen Harrier between Ratford Bridge and Dreenhill SM 90430 13280.