Friday 1 November 2019

Winter bird survey - North Pembs

This morning, a small team (Heather and Dafydd Richards, Cliff Benson and Frances Eggby, Mark Williams and ourselves) made our first of this winter’s planned visits to Pwll Caerog Farm, in North Pembs, for the second season of the NT farmland bird survey.
Despite deteriorating weather conditions, between us all we managed to record a reasonable range of species. The stubble fields were especially good for starlings – several thousand feeding in some and possibly up to c.10,000 were in the general area. There were in excess of 600 skylarks in the stubbles too – like the starlings, most probably feeding on spilled grain. About 60 linnets were recorded, well down on the 100+ we'd noted during an initial recce visit last weekend (in dry sunny conditions). 

A female merlin dashed through the area and a jack snipe was flushed (characteristically from almost under-foot) in a well-vegetated ditch. A couple of hundred winter thrushes were also noted (most probably fieldfares) but ID was difficult in the increasingly misty/drizzly weather.