Managed to read two Great Black-backed Gull colour rings during a short walk this morning, both red and from Skokholm Island. Adult W:015 was ringed as an adult in May 2014, returning each year since near Wreck Cove, but had only been recorded once away from the island before (Nevern Estuary, 8 Dec 2018). 3CY W:267 was ringed as fledgling in 2018 and this was the first time it has been recorded since. Thanks to Richard Brown for the prompt feedback.
Also this morning 59 Wigeon, 5 Mediterranean Gulls, & a Great Northern Diver out in the bay.
On Monday there was a green colour-ringed Great Black-backed from North Wales (B:162, following on from B:147 & B:160 last autumn) and a colour-ringed Lesser Black-backed Gull (black with white lettering 5AW8). This bird was ringed on Guernsey in 2013, then turned up on Skokholm in May-June 2016, so it was apt that they were with me to see it again on Monday, the first sighting since then. Also on Monday a single Ruff still present on the lagoon, and 15 pale-bellied Brent Geese on the foreshore.