Thursday, 26 March 2020

Radford Pill to Carew Mill

(Within walking distance - an hour door to door!)

A redshank and greenshank were observing social distancing in Radford Pill. Otherwise just 4 teal, a little egret and a few black-headed gulls.

After I'd turned the corner into the Carew River, a flock of 80 black-tailed godwit were feeding upstream, a few in summer plumage including two strikingly brick-red individuals - could they be  Dave's islandica birds?

Best of all, a tight group of 9 knot feeding with the godwits. Bob and Annie, or Richard C, may know differently, but I've never seen knot here before. PS - Brian S has just texted me - is that a curlew sandpiper with the knots - aaarrgh!