Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Mullock, Dale

Spring bird song in lockdown at Mullock Cottages is BUSY.
Chiffchaffs -4 singing, one does multiple chiffs with only one chaff in the sequence
Greenfinches 2 males singing
Goldfinches in flock and twittering from tree tops
Chaffinches - at least 3 males singing
Blackbirds 5 singing males mid March but now gone quiet and some feeding nestlings - Chris Taylor also reported seeing this south of Pembrokeshire on his patch.
Songthrush - one up the valley towards Marloes, one on our patch towards the estuary
Goldcrests in the larch trees constantly feeding in the tree tops which are bursting with bright green new leaves and insects.
House Sparrows gang is busy - not counted and as we are running out of seed they are more spread out and less easy to count.
Great tits on territories, not so sure about blue tits, great tits had brood patches and strong cloacal patches on the ones we caught 3 days ago
Wrens singing like mad in the mornings you can feel the vibrations of the territorial shout -  ~6 territories on our patch.
oh and Blackcaps singing 5 & 6 days ago and now none - all the blackcaps we caught were mainly males with a lone female.
Woodpigeons crooning!
Great spotted woodpeckers - on the 21st-23rd March they were still chasing each other around and shouting as they have been since mid February. last I heard was 2 days ago when the males were drumming on the junction boxes on the telegraph poles to good effect! soo loud. They are now paired up and breeding as everything is quiet.
Buzzards are in our wood although we have not found the nest yet! We saw them mating, arguing territory with neighbouring  ravens and buzzards and wheeling high together.
On the Gann estuary:
Mallard - a flock floats and flies up and down with the tides
Little egrets x 3
Curlew - not counted ...yet
Little grebe on the irrigation pond east of the Gann
Shelduck 2 pairs arguing about territory.
~ 200 golden plover flew over on (24th March)
Stay safe everyone best wishes from Mullock island!!