As mentioned by Dave below in his Crabhall update - wader flocks change by the day and the tide.
Over 100 Dunlin seem the norm now with 170 Dunlin, 33 Ringed Plover, 1 Sanderling and 1 Grey Plover on this morning's falling tide. A Curlew Sandpiper was seen last Thursday? and was seen again this evening. Sanderling are only being seen in ones and twos and in various plumages showing the almost continuous passage. The Bar-tailed Godwits, like the Whimbrel are only in single figure flocks.
Presumably the change in wind hindered migration today for passerines too. c250 Sand Martins early morning was likely the largest flock of the season so far, and Sedge Warblers were singing from various bushes and hedges around the Marsh and estuary today.
Other interesting species being reported include Stock Doves, Lesser Whitethroats, Grasshopper Warblers, Sandwich Terns, Cuckoo and a very mobile drake Gadwall.
(sev obs)