Monday, 20 April 2020

Landshipping area

We've been regularly checking the "still very few" swallows flying over our area, just in case there is something different but not in luck yet! Well done Mike - red-rumped swallows are really nice to see; bee-eaters next perhaps? We've yet to see any house martins back at expected breeding sites in this area.

Although it's been relatively quiet bird-wise during the last few days, a whitethroat was singing yesterday in suitable hedgerow breeding habitat - the first one we'd heard in the area this year.

A whimbrel, busy feeding at Landshipping Quay today, was a fairly recent arrival. With many arriving on the coast over the last week or so, we expect to see others filtering up this way any day now.

Three of the four greenshanks - resting at a usual spot
There are still at least seven teal, three redshanks and four greenshanks down at the Quay/Millars Park lagoon. Perhaps they are also new arrivals, or else long-stayers still in "lockdown" mode!