Saturday, 25 April 2020

Landshipping to Minwear Woodland walk

Today for a change we had a long walk along the road to Minwear Wood and back - keen to know if the Wood warblers (a favourite spring bird) had returned to the area.

They were back - at least six males singing in their usual spots which was pleasing to hear and see.

Plenty of other typical woodland birds too - Blackaps everywhere, a couple of Garden Warblers but no obvious Redstarts heard or seen. A few Marsh Tits singing, a Tawny Owl called briefly before going back to sleep again. Several Siskins were displaying over the canopy and Mistle Thrushes were among many of the resident species collecting food for nestlings. Grey Wagtails were down on the river near their usual nest-site as was a Dipper briefly. All in all a worthwhile walk. 

Early Purple Orchids in the woodlands around here are at their peak now