Monday, 20 April 2020


Another great session. I was chatting to the farmer in the ploughed and sown "wheatear" field when a pair of stonechats popped up in the willows next to us, and a wheatear flew along the edge of the field (I'd already been sending him photographs). I learned that the next field (different farmer) is likely to be ploughed in the coming days, so watch this space. (This area lies between Stephen's Green and Houghton Farms - a public footpath runs diagonally across the wheatear field.)

There were two male wheatears - I'm assuming the two I saw two days ago have moved on and these were different ones, but who knows. A blackcap was singing lustily in the blackthorn and willow scrub, a whitethroat was flitting about and sang briefly, chiffchaffs, willow warblers and linnets galore....