Yesterday a Cuckoo was heard regularly from late-afternoon (c.1600) to c.2000. Initially it was distant, probably Marloes Mere, but it then moved nearer us, but , alas, could not be seen!
I wonder if this was the same Cuckoo as heard at Mullock, or there has been an influx with the south-easterly winds?
There was also a Cuckoo heard (and recorded on a phone!) at Trehill Farm on 18 May.
Also yesterday 14 Chough over at 1900, probably flying to roost on the Deer Park or Skomer.
And a Little Owl called briefly at c.2300: we have never heard or seen one here before.
On a non-bird front, as well as a visiting Toad last night, we have found several what we are pretty sure are Glow Worm larvae in the garden recently. None seen after dark last night, but this could make the Deer Park a good place to see them over the next couple of months.