Monday, 25 May 2020

Pembrokeshire Wildlife series

Dear readers, 
I am a researcher for a television series about the wildlife of Pembrokeshire and I would love to hear from you if you have any wildlife stories that you think we might be interested to follow?

We're thinking about wildlife activities between June and October specifically at this point. We are considering stories about Pembrokeshire specialties, but also other common wildlife if it exhibits an interesting behaviour or can be found in an usual place perhaps. We're particularly looking for wild Pembrokeshire locations rather than the urban environment, but really we're very much open to ideas and would love to hear from you!

We're obviously bound by the same restrictions as the rest of the country, but the more information we can gather at this point the better placed we will be going forward.

Please reach out to me on (it really does end like that!).

Thanks in advance for your help with identifying great wildlife happenings in your area.

Best wishes, 
