Thursday, 18 June 2020


Not masses to report of late, still a trickle of waders which have included a single Greenshank, 3 Black-tailed Godwits, and a handful of Dunlin and Ringed Plover.  Whimbrel have more or less tailed off now, and Curlew remain stable around 10 birds.  Little Egrets come and go, we have had a regular juv/sub-adult, and today 5 adults.

The successful Shelduck pair still have 2 of the original 3 youngsters, now over a week old they seem bolder and presumably less at risk each day.

There are at least 6 singing Reed Warblers, with 1 pair seen taking food to an unseen nest.  On still nights the Grashopper Warbler is still singing close to the house, hopefully a good sign.

Our 2 young Tawny Owls continue to entertain, how they ever catch anything with all the noise they make I will never know.  They are pretty mobile considering how much down they still have (this photo taken 4 days ago...