Tuesday, 23 June 2020

House Martins - are they declining in your area too?

This year, as reported on in earlier postings, we have noticed that there seem to be far fewer House Martins breeding around our area. We have also heard of similar reports elsewhere in the county.

House Martins are known to move around so it might be that new colonies have been formed in locations we cannot observe. Some colonies also get disturbed (illegally) which does not help this species!

Hopefully, when access restrictions are eased, it might be possible to look at some breeding colonies in south Pembs., just to see how they are is faring in places we’ve observed them in previous years.

Has anyone else observed fewer breeding in expected places this year? Perhaps you have seen more, or are things much the same as usual?

Nest under construction - a bird adding fresh mud to it's nest (in a previous season)

Noting Brian's earlier posting about Plumstone yellowhammers is good news. Unfortunately we haven't seen any yet this year at their usual location in the Martletwy/Landshipping area. There is still a nice population on Templeton Airfield however, which is being regularly watched by Clare Flynne during her routine walks in that area. Jane Hodges has also mentioned seeing them near Rosemarket (including recent sightings of fledged young) during her regular walks around the Johnston area.