Thursday 16 July 2020

Landshipping area yesterday; south coast today

At Landshipping yesterday, we noted at least 4-5 whimbrels (their numbers are clearly starting to build up) and a few curlews on the shore. A redshank was back in the area and we gather from Jane Hodges (during her second-round count of shelduck families) that she had noted a greenshank a few days ago at Millars Park lagoon area. We didn't manage to find this one yesterday.

A common sandpiper was feeding on the muddy shore of the Eastern Cleddau, upstream from Landshipping slipway. It seemed to be exploiting lugworms almost its own body length.

Small wader long worm!

Recently independent juvenile choughs are now starting to flock up. This afternoon we noted a dozen or so near Old Castle Head, Manorbier. A few of them were not yet particularly streetwise to the potential perils of a passing juvenile (seemingly independent) male peregrine. Happily for the choughs, his hunting skills were pretty poor and a half-hearted attempt to catch one was not very impressive!   

Earlier today Paul Culyer (NRW) mentioned seeing a flock of 22 choughs at Stackpole. Many of these were probably juveniles. It’s possible that the adult choughs Derek mentioned in an earlier posting could have been two or three-year old non-breeding birds. They move around in variable-sized feeding flocks (soon to include this year’s juvs as well). Of course, they might have been some of the local breeding birds enjoying a bit of socialising and feeding together in a good spot now that the kids have left home.