Water levels still low at Llys-y-fran, only waders were a couple of Common sandpipers. Min 16 GC grebe no sign of any breeding, 2 Little grebe. 4 young herons and a Little egret was a new bird for here. 100 LBB majority juveniles with about 30 adults, an adult GBB, 3 Herring gulls and a juv BH gull, gave me something to look through. Even counted the geese - 334 Canadas, 5 Greylag and a cross. 20 Mallard and pair Teal. Quite a few Swallows and House Martins skimming the water at the dam end before they head off and Blackbirds and Bullfinch tucking into the Rowan berries. Access is still only from Farthings Hook end.