Saturday, 15 August 2020


A good look around the western side today. 4 or 7 Common sandpiper (group of 4 and group of 3 in different sections but might be linked). 4 sightings of Kingfisher, again no doubt some repeat sightings, one time it was perched stonechat-like on top of a waterside foxglove, the unzipping of the camera bag put paid to that shot! Juvenile Great crested grebe in western arm. 2 Little grebe. A Coot, was the first here for a while. A near adult Yellow-legged gull among the LBB flock, 70 preening birds on the bank were joined by c300 that drifted in from the west during a heavy shower. The Little egret was sat among the preening group on the bank. 30 Mallard and 4 Teal on Stumps Point. Family group of 4 Spotted flycatchers, and nice mixed flock of Goldfinch, Chaffinch and Greenfinch in top of ash trees. Main car park remains closed, access from Farthings Hook end.

A 6:30am pre-work look around Martin's Haven and Deer Park yesterday. The still, warm, misty conditions unfortunately didn't produce anything exciting. 4-5 Willow warblers, Blackcaps, Whitethroat and Sedge warbler in Sash's willows. Swallows swooping low across the Deer Park and over the hedges. Very quick look at the mere, more Blackcaps here tucking into the blackberries. 8 Snipe flying around and 20 Pied wagtail in the sandy field by NT car park. Kestrel near Marloes village. Good to see Andy Bookless having an early look as well, the more eyes checking these spots the better, hopefully there'll be something soon.