Sunday, 20 September 2020

Buff-breasted Sandpipers & Dotterel

Had to go back & try again for the 2 Buff-breasted Sandpipers at St Govan's, and I'm glad I did!  Couldn't find them initially, and ended up about a mile west of the car park, where the Dotterel was still present with 3 Golden Plover.

I returned towards the car park, checking every grassy patch on the coastal side of the path, and I'm glad I did as I discovered the Buff-breasts around 9am on the second grassy patch above Huntsman's Leap, about 800m west of the car park (basically, where they were first seen on Friday).  Clive Hurford saw them around midday closer to the car park, still on the slopes above the cliffs.  They showed well - I just love this species, and without a doubt my best views ever.