Monday, 21 September 2020

Kilpaison colour-ringed wader update

 Replies have now been received for the colour-ringed Ringed Plovers spotted by Mike Davey on Saturday at Kilpaison. 

Red/Yellow flag XTT was ringed as a 1stW at Giske Ornithological Station, Norway on 6 September 2020, so a fairly rapid movement SW covering 1350km in 13 days. 

The bird with a pink and black colour combination was ringed as a nestling at Beltringharder Koog, Germany on 14 May 2019. It was observed on two other dates in May 2019 at the ringing site, but not seen subsequently until this sighting.

News has already been posted by Dave for the bird with the Green/White combination first seen at the Gann on 25 August beforen moving to Kilpaison, and all three ringing sites are shown on the map below. For such a small wader, its an amazing result to have three colour-ringed birds all from different locations at the same place and time, and get good enough views to read the combinations fully.

Thanks Mike - great stuff!