Saturday, 26 September 2020

Marloes and the Gann

A blustery walk out to Martin's Haven not surprisingly was pretty quiet. A flock of 50 House sparrows and same of Goldfinch was about as good as it got. A female Pintail on the mere was best I could see there. Lots of large gulls (c500) mostly Herring gulls were hunkered down in the buff-breast field with others in a stubble field by Trehill.

 Nipped over to the Gann in the hope the Whooper might still be around but just Mute swans (2 adult and a youngster). The Osprey put in a couple of appearances and caught a small mullet which it carried up towards Mullock Bridge and settled on top of a telegraph pole. It returned to fish again after 30 minutes. Bumped into ex-Pembs photographer Andy Davies who thinks there may have been a second (un-ringed) osprey this afternoon. A text from Dave alerted me to a Curlew Sandpiper among the Dunlin on the pools. A Wheatear on the foreshore and a couple of Bar-tailed godwits.