I've been here before, Hwest tropical Marloes Peninsula shrouded in mist, soon becoming thick fog! Quick look for the Buff-breasts in the rapidly deteriorating conditions but couldn't see them, couldn't see much to be honest (Derek had them though, so still here). There were a few more Ringed plover, up to 20 and 4 Dunlin, so birds dropping in and joining the flock. Keep checking, something else could well happen along. Walked the peninsula to check incase last nights plover were around but conditions didn't help. Loads of Robins ticking away, min 30, along the road, in Martin's Haven and on the Deer Park. Single Chiffchaff in the sycamores by Goose Cottage. Nice flock of 50-60 House sparrows in the field margins by West Hook brought in a female Sparrowhawk who left empty handed. Just a Blackcap and three Whitethroat in Martin's Haven, another couple of Whitethroat on a good look around the Deer Park. Otherwise pipits passing overhead, Goldfinch and Skylark, so birds around, see what appears tomorrow after the fog lifts.