Having had no electricity for much of the day, we went out for the day including
doing one of our usual walks to Landshipping Quay. We were not there long before
the local corvids spotted an Osprey heading down-stream from the Millin Pill
direction at about mid-day (presumably the bird that Brian saw yesterday?). The
large crow community around here is generally hostile to any passing raptor and
it was soon escorted out of the area. It headed on towards the Llangwm
direction. We waited a while, but it didn't return. Hopefully it will stick
around and perhaps it will turn up in the Carew/Cresswell area? One to watch out
for Richard!
Later we had look for the Chough roost at St Govan's. There was a
smaller number than yesterday (probably no more than 16) and they went to roost
on Chapel Point (a regular spot). Earlier, we had a quick look for the B-b
Sandpipers and the Dotterel but didn't seen them.
A single Whinchat was perched on
gorse at Buckspool Down and, as over the weekend, there were lots of Wheatears