Thursday 5 November 2020


I found the Great Egret this morning as I was getting into the car to go to work - it floated down from the direction of Philbeach, right over my head, stayed on the lagoon for all of a minute or so, and then vanished towards the saltmarsh where Derek later caught up with it.  This species never seems to stick around!

Late afternoon the highlight was the male Ruff.  Redshank numbers have increased, at least 23 birds today, of which at least 7 are ringed.  Wigeon numbered 42, but no sign of this morning's Goldeneye.  At least 6 Mediterranean Gulls were on the shoreline pre-roost, but very few gulls were present.  At least 5 Little Egrets were feeding in the shallows, the low sunlight combined with red sandstone background to create a stunning red sea, not sure I managed to do it justice though.

Finally, a female Red-breasted Merganser yesterday followed nicely on from the recent Goosander.