Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Castemartin Corse

From Graham Brace:

Hi Folks...
I was one of the three birders referred to by Richard Ellis in his earlier posting.

We watched the orange marked marsh harrier patrolling the reedbed for some time to be joined later by a fine female hen harrier. The presence of these two raptors served to spook the snipe which flew around in small groups reluctant to settle. Eventually the two harriers joined forces briefly when a passing female peregrine took exception to the ringtail and proceeded to ‘harry’ her from above and below, actually clashing with her at one point. What a spectacle! To see these three raptors in such close proximity to each other made our day. So enthralled was I watching this encounter through my binocs that I neglected to try and get a photograph. Eventually, the peregrine lost interest and headed off in a westerly direction only to return later and have another go at the hen harrier.


A couple of flocks of lapwing were also present around the periphery of the Corse, the largest group containing about 120 birds. A grey heron fished in the standing water to the east of the hide. We didn’t see any golden plover nor did we hear the Cetti's. We departed the hide just before 1pm.



Graham Brace