A 5-raptor morning at the Corse - by the time I met Rob Lewis in the hide at 0945 he had already seen marsh harrier (Wing-tags), ring-tailed hen harrier, male merlin and buzzard, and taken a record shot of the bittern that Richard C saw yesterday (below). We watched Wing-tags intermittently for the next 2 hours: he spent a lot of the time just sitting about. A (the?) red kite flapped over the Broomhill Burrows end and disappeared over the ridge.
We glimpsed a water rail as it dashed across the water close to the hide, lots more were squealing in the reedbed, also a moorhen. 4 Cetti's warblers at approx. 200 metre intervals were singing against each other.
Typical view of Wing-tags
And excellent news: we met Haydn the head ranger who has plans to improve the sight lines from the hide as soon as a volunteer work party is available.