Saturday 16 January 2021


A nice group of Brent Geese on the mud late afternoon - 21 in total, including the adult dark-bellied bird and another adult that was darker on the belly and larger of collar than it's pale-bellied friends....interesting and will be looked for again tomorrow.

2 sinensis Cormorant still on the lagoon this morning.  The afternoon low tide saw a decent gathering of mainly small gulls pre-roost.  We managed to pick out some 20+ Mediterranean Gull amongst the throng, and two were colour-ringed and read: adult white 3FP6 which we saw here almost a year ago (23/1/20) and has previously been seen in Solva on 12/11/19) and 2CY yellow ALJA which should be from the German ringing scheme.  These added nicely to the 24 colour-ringed waders we managed to record.