Monday, 15 February 2021

Westfield Pill

 A brief walk at Westfield Pill was rewarded with a great view of a splendid male Mandarin drake checking out the female Mallard rather forlornly.   A Little Grebe in full breeding plumage  under the tree cover was being tailed by what looked like a last years chick which looked a little strange. 

Nice selection of singing and displaying birds in the sunshine - Goldcrest, Robin, Dunnock, Song Thrush  and Great tit and more activity generally today.  One well built Heron nest complete with Heron and another seemingly half built.  Jane Hodges was there too and told me there were 4 nests in 2020 but 12 in 2019 - I wonder where they have gone as the Upton site only had 3 nests in 2020.