Sunday, 7 March 2021

Mainly the Gann...

...and apologies for the long gap between posts!  Some highlights since my last post on 11th February:

Hen Harrier - a ringtail briefly over the saltmarsh on 12th

Merlin - one dashed across the road on 13th at Tavernputt Cross

Cormorant - still one sinensis bird around regularly

Goldeneye - a 2nd-calendar year drake from 13th to 25th

Teal - a peak of 83 on 14th

Brent Goose - numbers have fluctuated, commuting to and from Angle, peak 34 on 1st

Black-tailed Godwit - up to 3, including an islandica in breeding plumage the last few days (possibly the same bird seen on 15th)

Great-crested Grebe - a little bit of passage, peaking at 13 on 21st

Mediterranean Gull - last week of February saw 25+ regularly here including colour-ringed birds from the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Czech Republic & Serbia - Y168 below.

Common Gull - good numbers especially on the super low tides earlier this week (but no accurate count made), colour-ringed birds from Scotland and Norway (both first resightings).

Little Owl - one was calling by the house around 1900 on 4th - a new one for the list.  Wonder if there is still a pair around here - maybe using the old buildings on the airfield?

Oystercatcher - have had over 70 birds in the roost, with lots of colour-rings read (photos show 86, plus one where the 2 colour-rings have faded).