Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Morning around Marloes Peninsula

Made the most of the break in the weather to take a look for some migrants, pity the winds weren't more favourable. 4 Swans flying eastwards over Mullock Bridge, frustratingly by the time I'd parked the car they were too far to ID. Plenty of midges hatching around the mere. A walk out to Martins Haven turned up a lone Sand Martin for Paul but no sign of any other obvious migrants. Back at the mere the wing-tagged immature male Marsh harrier (orange IL) appeared (11:30am) and after a couple of circuits managed to grab something possibly a Teal before dropping out of sight. Elwyn was in the Britton Hide so may have photos. 

A scan of the North Irrigation pond revealed 4 Aythyas, which on closer inspection with the scope turned out to be 3 Tufties (2m) and a female Scaup. Also 2 Chiffchaff snatching midges. Otherwise c50 Mallard, 10 each of Shoveler, Wigeon and Teal, 5 Gadwall and a male Shelduck. The resident pair of Mute swans also present. Over at the Gann: a Sandwich tern briefly in the bay though we couldn't re-find it when we bumped into Peter and Rosemary, 4 GC grebe, GN diver, 4 Med gulls, 60+ Wigeon, 2 Brent, 12 Redshank, 4 Snipe, 2 Greenshank and a Bar-tailed godwit.. A noisy Peregrine and a Sparrowhawk flushed many of the waders and duck. Non-birdwise 2 Peacock butterflies here and 2 Commas on a brief look at St Brides.