Wednesday, 30 June 2021

And then there were 9

We have been following the 2 broods of Shelduck at the Gann with close interest.  The brood of 5 that first appeared on 25/5 were still going strong yesterday evening (making them at least 36 days old), favouring the southern end of the lagoon.  However, the later brood of 7 (first noted on 6/6), are now 4 - at least one was taken by a Raven on 27/6 and we suspect the other 2 went the same way.  Yesterday evening that pair had taken their diminished brood over the ridge and on to the sea.

4 of the 5 older chicks with Mum

It is starting to feel more like autumn.  Yesterday evening, 5 Dunlin and 8 Ringed Plover were flying around the bay, there were 3 Grey Heron and 6 Little Egret, the latter roosting in the trees next to the road.  In amongst at least 22 Curlew were 3 Whimbrel, and gulls are on the increase: Common Gull up to 3 (all 2CY), a steady trickle of Black-headed Gull (no juveniles yet) and the occasional 2CY Mediterranean Gull - including on 25th white ringed 32JT which had been ringed in Belgium exactly 12 months before and seen just once since, in Ireland last September.

It was lovely to explore the North Pembrokeshire woodlands last Saturday.  Failed to find any Pied Flycatcher, but at least half a dozen Spotted Flycatcher were a treat.

(Dave & Lisa)