With no pelagics last year it was great to get out at last on the Celtic Wildcat to see some Cetaceans and plenty of our breeding seabirds. 4 Rissos Dolphins at West Blockhouse near the mouth of the Haven were most unexpected and out in the Celtic Deep several pods of Common Dolphins were encountered. 2 very brief views of a Minke Whale on the run in were a little frustrating.
Birdwise the highlights were the sight and sounds of the seabird colonies on Skomer and the amazing spectacle of the Gannet colony on Grassholm. A tight raft of Guillemots, including a Bridled individual at Grassholm, was unusual. Manx Shearwaters were rather sparse with good numbers only encountered out by The Smalls.
Many thanks to Nick O'Sullivan, skipper of the Celtic Wildcat for a safe comfortable and varied day out. More photos of the trip here.