From Phil Baber and Pam Buckle:
Fishguard Old Harbour
pursued by many Corvids & a few Herring Gulls, flew east over
harbour clutching what looked like a young Carrion Crow. Flew into
canopy high above and was seen again as it was harassed out by the Crow
flock. It then dived into another tree canopy back towards Old Fishguard
and evaded its furious followers. Took some time before everything
calmed down.
We weren't expecting that!
Mallard duck with 10 fresh ducklings.
Strumble Head.
views of a Chough pair close to track down to lighthouse. And they or
another pair were feeding in horse fields close to approach road
1 Raven.Couple of Whitethroat singing.
Singing Rock Pipits. 2 Puffin flew east.
Steady passage of Manxies.
Plus the usual Sums, Gannets and Fulmars.
3 Painted Ladys around sea-watching building. 3 Grey Seals.
For those of you wondernig what "Sums" are, apparently it was meant ot be "Auks"! Phil blames predictive text!