Typically quiet at the Gann for late June, but signs of return migration with an adult Lapwing today, and single Greenshank and Redshank on 20th. Numbers of Curlew beginning to build, with 26 birds on the saltmarsh yesterday. 2 ringed birds (36 & 37) have been noted amongst the returnees. The Oystercatcher flock bubbles around 50, and yesterday (and today) included yellow X4 for the first time in nearly a month (well, the first time we have seen it). Very pleased to report that the 2 pairs of Shelduck are still doing well, with all 12 youngsters still present and correct. I suspect they will be happy when the spring tides increase the water levels later in the week - extremely low at the moment. A 2CY Common Gull lingers, as does the 2CY sinensis Cormorant.