Saturday, 17 July 2021


Autumn is in full swing now with wader numbers building: Curlew over 100 (some of these likely passing through rather than here for the winter), Redshank up to 18 (including 4 colour ringed birds yesterday, the first for some time). up to 6 islandica Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Greenshank, 2 Common Sandpiper and up to 8 Dunlin.  In the right light the Blackwits are something to behold...

There was a smart adult Mediterrannean Gull on 14th, and a Sandwich Tern on 13th.  A Lesser Whitethroat was still singing (14th) and it is pleasing to to report that the 9 Shelducklings are still going strong: the 'Pickleridge 4' are nearly as big as mum, the 'Crabhall 5' some way behind but seemingly too big for any air-based predator.